Content Creation

Managing your digital presence is a daunting task, and it’s expensive to invest in content that only lives for a moment. Let us elevate your social platforms with content that creates value for your business, not just your following.

Elevate Your Brand

Packages that fit your mold

  • Need some high quality content to get started? This professional video and photography will shine on social platforms and wherever else you see fit.

    • 15 minute vision meeting

    • Photo/Video Session (up to 1 hour)

    • 1 Basic Edit Reel (up to 60 sec, 4K)

    • 2 Retouched Photos

  • Looking to establish your brand or launch a product? This content pack will give you what you need to share who you are on social platforms, your website, and ad campaigns.

    • 30 minute vision meeting

    • Photo/Video Session (up to 2 hours)

    • 1 Basic Edit Reel (up to 60 sec, 4K)

    • 1 Story Telling Reel (up to 90 sec, 4K)

    • 8 Retouched Photos

  • You’re ready! We’ll take care of everything else.

    • 1 hour vision meeting

    • Market Analysis

    • Photo/Video Session (up to 3 hours)

    • 1 Basic Edit Reel (up to 60 sec, 4K)

    • 1 Story Telling Reel (up to 90 sec, 4K)

    • 1 Premium Edit Reel (up to 60 sec, 4k)

    • Logo Animation

    • 20 retouched photos

Our Philosophy

We use professional video and photography skillsets to provide content that can live not only on your social platforms, but on your website, email campaigns, and advertising ventures. If you are paying for content, you need to be able to use it everywhere!

Content Management

There are so many platforms to keep up with, and likely more to come. We will manage all of your platforms so that you can focus on your overall footprint. (starting at $1,000/month)

The Bigger Picture

Social media is a tool that is part of a much larger goal. Let us advise your business on how to use social media in a way that benefits the direction you’re heading in.

Case Study - Moji Coffee & More



